Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Okay, okay. I've been working on something special.

I know it's been a while, but I have a good excuse.  I've been working on something special.  Here are two of my current works in progress:
That would be the Pine Forest Baby Blanket, and a 29 week old baby a-cookin'.  (And, of course, the ubiquitous Ravelry WIP maternity shirt.)  Tiny D is scheduled to arrive in early October.

Needless to say, this means that knitting for myself has been put on the side burner for now.  Because BABY KNITTING.  Baby knitting.  So cute all the time.  Also, one of my good friends is due in November, my sister-in-law is due in December, and a co-worker just had a baby this month.  So, baby knitting all the time! 

I had grand plans of knitting myself cardigans for this, but as we all know, my two sweaters are stalled and so is the shawlette I was working on for myself.  (Because baby knitting.  Also because it's freaking hot and I can't even think of sweaters at a time like this.)

Here's the first thing knit for Tiny D (whose sex remains a mystery until October):

It's a hat!  (clearly)  A tiny pumpkin hat!  (yes, I can see that)
Adapted from a couple of different pumpkin patterns.

The blanket is almost done and will get its own post because it's gorgeous.  But here's the yarn (Madeline Tosh Vintage) along with some Noro that will become a sweater.

Finally, here's a pair of adorable booties knit for the co-worker's new baby girl.  They claim to be a size 6 month, and clearly I have no idea what size baby feet are because they seem really huge. 

Pattern: Flower Stitch Booties from 60 Quick Baby Knits
Needles: Size 4/3.5mm
Yarn: Misc. Cascade 220
Ravelry Link

So, basically, expect lots more baby knitting to come.  :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey...socks. And stuff.

I haven't blogged for a while because of reasons.  These reasons will be revealed in a later post. 

But for now, knee socks!  And tiny socks!  And a tiny hat!

These are things made with the Time Traveler sock yarn. 

Allow me to say how much I love the knee socks.  They are awesome.  I would, as I mentioned, figure out how to make the increases in the back look centered next time, since the way I did it this time is a bit off.  But, nevertheless, they are great.  And so is Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-off.

Pattern: Knee Socks! by Diana Parrington
Yarn: Knit Picks Felici, Time Traveler
Needles: US 1.5/ 2.5mm
Ravelry link

So, then there was leftover yarn, and there was a co-worker having a baby, and therefore there was soon a tiny time-traveler hat and pair of socks.  :)

Patterns: Easy Peasy Newborn Sock Hat, by Keri McKiernan and Newborn Sock Set by Shelley Mackie

What else am I up to?  Well, I inadvertently broke one of my interchangeable size 7 needles a few weeks ago, and had to wait for more to arrive, so I'm still working on 2 sweaters.  But it's getting warm out, so soon it will just be one sweater and one on hold.  And then there's the Hitchhiker shawl.  And the five million other projects in my head...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Works in Progress

Remember how I was knitting a sweater?  But then I got distracted?  Well, you see, knitting isn't always a linear progression - sometimes it's a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey...socks.  (Ha - you see what I did there?)

It's day 34 now, and I thought I was really rocking it and only had an inch to go before starting the ribbing when I tried them on and realized that, due to my shapely and seriously ripped calves (not that I'm tooting my own horn here, or anything), 13 inches of leg off my leg = 11 inches of leg on my leg.  So, looks like I have a little farther to go than anticipated.

Also, I recently decided to start another sweater (yes, even though the first isn't done yet).  It's coming along quite nicely despite the fact that the collar isn't as wide as it looks like it should be.  Maybe that comes with the blocking.  (The pattern is Bonaparte by fallmasche) 

Oh, yeah - Christmas!

Hey there, blog!  Long time no... blog.

Here's the promised Christmas update - I made my brother the very coziest sweater in the whole wide world.  I LOVE this pattern!  My favorite part is the super wide raglan increases for the sleeves.  As I mentioned before, though, apparently you're supposed to wash your gauge swatches... hmmm... so it grew like a monster.  Also, this holiday season was particularly hectic, so there are only candid shots of him wearing it.  But, here you go!

Pattern: Ranger, by Jared Flood
Yarn: random yarn from the G-ma stash, DK-ish weight
Needles:  US size 7 & 8
Ravelry link

The Husband, the Brother and me in our Christmas sweaters
Paul looking classy by the fireplace.

My BFF texted me pictures all year of various Muppet and sock-monkey themed hats.  My BFF and I are serious Muppet fans.  Like, seriously.  We make involuntary Muppet noises when discussing the Muppets.  (Don't get me started on the new movie - OH MY GOODNESS.  PERFECTION.)  She did a project on Jim Henson when she was in elementary school, and my brother and I starred in her video.  So, anyway... I decided she needed a Fozzie hat.  (Did I mention she also says "wokka wokka" in casual conversation?  Truth.) 

While  I was crocheting the details for this hat, I kept involuntarily giggling.  Seriously, you can ask my husband.  Especially when I got to the hat.  I amuse myself so much.

Pattern: improvised
Yarn: random from G-ma's stash
Hook: K?  I think? 
No Ravelry link yet... I should get on that.


 She's wearing an apron because of reasons.  (Those reasons being that I gave her an apron for Christmas.  It's not a repressed women thing; it's an apron with a BEER POCKET and ATTACHED BOTTLE OPENER thing. You can find them here.)
 This is her Foozie face (seriously, have you SEEN the Muppets yet?  Best movie of the year.)

And one final picture from right after I made it.  LOVE!