Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, I did it.

I finally worked up the courage to rip back and re-attach the rogue left sleeve of Viv.  Okay, "rip back" is a little harsh.  With so many cables to worry about, I instead painstakingly "un-knit" two and a half rows (I was really stoked when I realized the left sleeve was the first one I came to in the unknitting - no need to even unknit past that one in the attachment row!  Woohoo!).

Then I wanted some Ramen noodles,  because that's what the unknit yarn reminded me of.

Another reason the unknitting was helpful, was that I was able to transfer my lovely Viv to my beloved Knit Picks Harmony needles.  Why?  Oh, someone decided to nom the Addis.

But guys?  Guys?  GUYS?

After unknitting, and counting, and knitting, and recounting, and then counting some more, and then, oh, maybe a little more counting...

I'm back to the same row as before the Great Sleeve Fiasco of 2010 and this time the sleeves match!  Viv is symmetric!  And I'm wearing a yoke-less on the needles sweater as I type this just out of principle!

Okay, I have to go now, it's really too hot outside to be wearing wool.

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