Monday, February 14, 2011

Long overdue Christmas update

Greetings, all y'all.  So, I've been knitting away but have refused to post anything new here until I post the Christmas stuff because I'm stubborn like that, but have also been too lazy to post the Christmas stuff, but I realize now it's Valentine's Day, so maybe I should get on that, eh?  

Here's all the Christmas knitting in all of its glory:

For my brand new nephew who was born January 31, a delightful little sweater!  I bought the penguin buttons a while ago, and finally found a suitable project for them.  And, of course, after the freehanded llama worked out so well on the last baby sweater, I had to add a penguin to this one.  

Pattern: Paxton, by StitchyMama
Yarn: Debbie Bliss EcoBaby Fair Trade
Needles: US 6/4mm

Next we have a super pretty and soft and amazing Haruni shawl for my mom.  (Let me just say now that I really want everything I gave away for Christmas - yes, even the penguin sweater.)

Pattern: Haruni, by Emily Ross
Yarn: Malabrigo sock yarn
Needles: US 4/3.5mm
Ravelry Link

Moving right along, we have a pair of Ysolda hats made for my aunts.  The yarn was an acrylic blend, and say what you will about acrylics, I thought it knit up very nicely and is soft and delicious to boot.  May not block as well as wool, but it works for me!

Pattern: Rose Red, by Ysolda Teague
Yarn: Plymoth Yarn Encore DK
Needles: US 6/4mm

Pattern: Snapdragon Tam, by Ysolda Teague
Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Encore DK
Needles: US 6/4mm
Ravelry link

Finally we have these amazingly incredible convertible mittens I made for my BFF.  I LOVE THIS PATTERN!!!  Modified them from the original mittens using panuru's (Ravelry) mods.  Anyway, they are awesome.

Pattern: Chimera, by Julia Mueller
Yarn: some sort of blend - I think it's Wool Ease, but it was found in my stash, so who knows
Needles: US 6/4mm
Ravelry link

Since Christmas, I made an impromptu hat, started a fair isle fingerless mitt project, made an ill fitting sweater (which will need to be frogged to make a proper size - but more on that later), finished a pair of socks, and am about 80% done with another sweater.  So, yeah.  I've been busy.  :) 

I don't want to spoil you with too many posts tonight, so I'll have more tomorrow.

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